
Luther Burbank High School
History of the Americas HL – Senior
2011 – 2012

Instructor:        Carlos De León
Phone No.:       (210) 373-7994

Course Purpose: The purpose of the IB History of the Americas HL course is to prepare students to meet the requirements determined by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).  The aim of history in the Diploma Programme is to promote an understanding of history as a discipline, encourage understanding of the present through critical reflection of the past, understand the impact of historical developments, and develop awareness of one’s own historical identity.  The final assessment will be determined by the IBO through a data-based question paper, a series of written free-responses, and an internal assessment paper.

Textbook and Supplement(s):

Bailey, Thomas A., L. Cohen, and D.M. Kennedy.  The American Pageant.  12th ed.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002.

Findley, Carter V., and John A.M. Rothney.  Twentieth Century World.  5th ed.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002.

Haynes, Keith, and Benjamin Keen.  A History of Latin America.  7th ed.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2004.

Kennedy, David M., and Thomas A. Bailey. The American Spirit: Since 1865.  10th ed.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002.

MacMillan, Margaret.  Paris 1919: Six Months that Changed the World.  New York: Random House, 2001.

International Baccalaureate …

Course Aim 1    study of human experience and behavior; physical, economic and social environments; the history and development of social and cultural institutions.
Course Aim 2    develop the capacity to identify, analyze critically and evaluate theories, concepts and arguments about the nature and activities of the individual and society.
Course Aim 3    collect, describe and analyze data used in studies of society, to test hypotheses and interpret complex data and source material.
Course Aim 4    promote the appreciation of the way in which learning is relevant to both the culture in which the student lives, and the culture of other societies.
Course Aim 5    be aware that human attitudes and opinions are widely diverse
Course Aim 6    recognize that the content and methodologies are contestable and require toleration of uncertainty.

History Aims …

Course Aim 7    promote an understanding of history as a discipline
Course Aim 8    encourage an understanding of the present through critical reflection upon the past
Course Aim 9    encourage an understanding of the impact of historical developments
Course Aim 10   develop an awareness of one’s own historical identity through the study of the historical experiences of different cultures.

Make-up Work: Assignments must be submitted on time.  Since a sufficient amount of time is allowed for a student to finish an assignment LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED for full credit!  When absent from class, you are responsible for any missed assignment(s) … RETRIEVE THEM FROM THE BOX!! Students have two school days – from the day they return – to submit any missing assignment(s).  Missed tests are made up only after school.

Grading Criteria: Each student will be assessed individually.  The assessment will be carried out through a variety of methods including oral presentations, teacher observations, participation, written assignments, projects, seminars, course notebook, quizzes and tests.

Period Grade:
60%      Daily Assignments
40%      Assessments

Primary Source Analysis: Analysis of primary sources – both textual and visual – will be essential.  The primary source analysis will assist with the tasks required for the Document-Based Question (DBQ) on the IB History exam.  The use of historical materials will help students practice using evidence to make plausible arguments.  Student ability to identify point of view, context, and bias in these sources shall be emphasized.

Simulations:  In order to prepare and determine the readiness of each student, periodic IB style examinations will be held.  These sessions may be divided into a series of practice tests to be conducted on a number of days due to class period time constraints.  The simulations will be calculated as an exam grade.  Failure to receive an acceptable score in any part of these examinations may require for the student to attend tutoring.

Tutoring: Tutoring will be available in the morning from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.  A tutoring schedule will be conveniently posted inside and outside the classroom door.  In addition, the effective use of email and phone communication (with appropriate discretion) is permitted and encouraged, especially if the set tutoring schedule proves unaccommodating.

Blog: Due to the nature and time constraints of the course, students will be required to participate in an online web log, commonly referred to as a blog.  The website used for this activity will be (blogspot).  Students will need to register for free in order to securely post on the web log.  The link to the blog after registering is

Attendance: Excessive absences will result in automatic failure of the course in-line with district and state policy.  After five absences guardians will be notified.

Supplies Required: 3-ring binder w/ 5 dividers; pencils (#2) and pens (black/blue only); notebook paper (NO spiral sheets); flashdrive

Tabs:    Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Assessments


1.       Food, sodas, gum, etc., are not allowed in the classroom.
2.       Students may bring bottled water into the classroom … bottles must be clear plastic with screw cap and are subject to inspection.